The odds are pretty good that it was the influence of others that helped get you started down the path of addiction. Maybe it began with experimenting with friends – maybe it was a sibling or other family member that first introduced you to addictive substances. It may seem messed up, but it makes sense – the people we spend the most time with give us information about the world, they shape our worldview, and they influence our decisions. According to studies cited by an article from the
National Institute of Health, adolescents, in particular, are highly susceptible to influence because their brains are wired to pay close attention to social situations, their rewards center is extra sensitive, and they are drawn to risky behavior –
particularly when peer influence is involved.
But the power of influence does not have to be all negative. Being mindful of the company you keep and seeking out relationships with people who have healthy habits and strong values can be a powerful motivator. In recovery, seeking out people who are committed to sobriety and knowledgeable about the ways social groups can help or hinder recovery efforts can make all the difference. Mentors, in particular, can help set the stage for success because their role is to guide you and help you as you make decisions and develop the skills necessary to be successful over the long-term.
Here are some ways that mentorship can help you be successful in recovery.
Have a tough decision? Feeling tempted? In need of a pep talk? Your mentor will have advice and feedback that is based on experience and tailored to meet your individual situation. Working with a mentor can also help you with goal setting and building communication and problem-solving skills.
Mentors are there to make sure you are going to meetings, showing up for yourself and being honest when you stumble. They are also helpful when it comes to relapse prevention because they are committed to being there for you when you need them.
It can be hard to know the right way to react to stress or how to live healthier without a good example. A mentor demonstrates healthy habits and lifestyle choices through the ways they live their own life. From diet and exercise to having a good work ethic, to positive ways to enjoy free time – though mentors are not perfect, they should demonstrate a healthy, sober lifestyle through their actions.
It feels good to know that someone is willing to invest in you – and that is what a mentor does. They take time to help you in your recovery. They do this because you are worth the effort. Regular interaction with a mentor can help boost your self-esteem and help you build the self-confidence you need to be successful in your independence. ntors are not perfect, they should demonstrate a healthy, sober lifestyle through their actions.
Studies indicate that when mentors are a part of a recovery protocol, success rates increase – particularly in the early stages when relapse is more likely.tors are not perfect, they should demonstrate a healthy, sober lifestyle through their actions.
At The Grounds, we know that mentorship is helpful to recovery because we see it work over and over again. In fact, after our residents graduate the program, we encourage them to come back and provide mentorship to current residents. Many of our case managers are also mentors, providing advice and guidance throughout every step of the program. Our residents are also required to work the 12-steps and secure a sponsor who provides mentorship and support throughout the recovery journey.
Our aim is to provide young men in recovery with the environment and the people who will help them be successful. Many of our team members understand the importance of quality mentorship, as they are program graduates or graduates of other recovery programs. Maintaining sobriety takes a village – and that is what we strive to provide.
Scott Deleau
Admissions Director & Outreach
The Grounds is a transitional living program for young adult men ready to create a sober life. The Grounds offers the 360-degree support and services necessary to create a life of health, balance and passion!
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